I've been wondering if my eyes and hair are brown since yesterday when I passed the written test for driver's license.
In order to take the test, you fill out the form, writing down your name, address, weight, height and so on. I left "hair" and "eye" sections blank. I didn't do that on purpose, but I simply didn't notice those sections. Then, a DMV officer glanced at me and filled out those blanks with "brown." Hm, are they really brown? I don't have my hair dyed in brown or wear color contacts. Well, my eyes can be said "brown," especially they are brown when they are irradiated with bright light. But my hair ... is black.
Then, I have come to wonder that calling something "black" is not politically correct. If so, my question is: What do they define colors if African-American people come to obtain driver's license? They have pure black hair and eyes more than I do.
In the first place, it's ridiculous to refer to colors of hair and eyes because they can be changed with hair dye and color contacts. Why does the authority stick at these meaningless trifles? I'd better ask them when I go to DMV next time.