I was still annoyed by essay grading for my GTF class. I believe I'm doing good. If I follow the grading guideline, I have to give some poor grades because their writings are not satisfying. But the instructor seems to try to be generous. She added some points to the papers which I gave fewer points. And I lost my confidence, thinking "Didn't I understand the content of those papers though I read them through three times to make sure that my grading could be justified? Did I do wrong?," etc. I felt devastated.
Essay grading is subjective, and it is impossible to be coherent.
The good news came in the evening. It turned out that the other GTF in my GTF class is also giving some papers low grades because of their poor writings, poor analysis and poor discussion. It is a relief to know that my criteria is similar to his. I was not wrong.
Grading drained my time. That makes me irritated and stressed out ... and my upper lip broke. Damn it.