Because tonight, or this week, one GM is not available, only another GM and I had a kind of regular meeting, in other words, stress-release beer grabbing. Well, both GMs are really good to me, and therefore, it is comfortable for me to ask them to go out when I feel like it.
This GM is a funny (and cynical, hee hee) guy and provides me a lot of information, which is helpful.
We sat outside because it was still warm and light. But after a couple of minutes, it became windy and chilly. Damn, Oregon weather. We are easy to give up, you know, we are adults. We relocated ourselves inside.
After we grabbed a couple of beer and asked for the check, we realized that a lot of familiar faces were coming in the bar. Uh-oh, Monday night is a trivia night--the bar's regular event. I'm not interested in trivia. In the first place, I didn't grow up here and I don't know about cultural stuff here. Then, how could I answer those questions? But I joined my friend's team with GM anyway. I'm easy. And we won (once)! And the photo is the reward: water blaster (for ages 6 and older). I wonder if there will be a chance to use this under this unpredictable weather here. It is June but still chilly, man! Unbelievable.