OK, today, I dragged my brother to Koyasan (Mt. Koya) to take some photos to show off here. As you may know, Koyasan is the World Heritage Site in my home prefecture. I saw more foreign visitors than Japanese ones there. Yes, it’s a world heritage!
After driving mountain roads, the Great Gate welcomes you.
Kongobuji Temple is the place where Kukai started his religion. I usually simply look outside and leave, but I looked around in the precinct this time. Then, I realized that it is larger than I expected. What impressed me most is the rock garden. It is fabulous.
Okunoin, the massive gravesite of Koyasan, prohibits visitors from taking photos. Of course, it is a very sacred place, and visitors don’t have the right of disturbing the dead. So, I took a couple of photos at the entrance :-P
I came across an old man who was pumping water. He said he comes here every summer to clean the monument for the war dead in Myanmar during WWII. He is a survivor of the battle.