The first thing that I did as a tourist in London was to go and get tickets of a musical. So, I went to Piccadilly Circus. Actually, I'd better get off tube at Leicester Square, which is right close to the official ticket office (tkts). Anyway. It was a hard decision to make. I wavered a lot among Billy Elliot, The Phantom of the Opera, and Enron (play). But, at the last moment, I changed my mind and bought tickets for Hair because I just want to have fun! My previous choices sounded fantastic, but at the same time, serious. I don't want to feel sad after a musical this time.
From Leicester Street, I walked through the city toward River Themes. Along the way, there are a bunch of tourist attractions such as ... St. Paul's Cathedral ...
... and Big Ben.
Making the best use of my student status, I bought a student discount ticket to enter the Tower of London. It is a discount ticket but still expensive (₤14.50!). At the ticket booth, I showed my student ID with the name of my American university. The lady at the booth stared at my ID and said, "That is ... all right." My university name may not be familiar to her, and she probably wondered if I'm a real student, hee hee hee. I'm a professional student as SB calls me :P
In the Tower of London site, I joined a guided tour by a beefeater (not a person who eats beef, but a royal guard). It was fun though stories and history the beefeater told us were cruel. Who and how many were executed, tortured, prisoned, and so on. The history of the U.K. (well, every country by and large) is bloody anyway.