Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sean Penn=Harvey Milk

I'm glad to see "Milk" today. It is a good movie. Probably you know by now that I haven't come across a good movie for a while. I just saw a crap a couple of days ago. Anyway, "Milk" is good.

Because I knew some part of his life (I saw a documentary of Harvey Milk before), the first two-third of the movie is kind of review for me. But it's OK. One thing that struck me is Sean Penn's line. He was asked by Dan White or someone why he fought for gay rights, and he said something like, "I dated four men in my life, and three of them killed themselves. That's our situation. Everyone has to have a right to live." My memory is correct enough, but it is a really moving line. Gay people are discriminated. Because they are gay, they are told that they are sick or whatever. And they are cornered or in the worst case they are pushed to death. Yeah, homosexual people have to have a right to live, I agree.

Sean Penn is really good. He looks like real Harvey Milk. His way of speaking, acting ... he's great. But part of me doesn't want to acknowledge that he is great because "Sean Penn" still reminds me of domestic violence. He became famous for domestic violence when he was married to Madonna. Well, I don't want to think I'm a fan of Madonna, but I acknowledge that I like her songs and respect her, in a sense, because she has been the queen of pop for 30 years. That's amazing.