Friday, May 15, 2009

Buddhist Monk Party?!

I have very interesting friends here.

I invited six people to grab some Japanese-ish food tonight. They are from every continent of the world. Two are from Ghana (Africa), one from Peru (Latin America), one from India (Asia) and one from the United States (North America). Oops, Europe is missing. Well, GM said he was told his ancestors may have come from Wales (Europe. It's not part of the continent though).

Anyway, I cooked hijiki (a kind of seaweed), kiriboshi-daikon (dried daikon radish), koya-dofu (dried tofu). You know what. These are all Buddhist monk food! They are my favorite, anyway, especially koya-dofu. Thank YO for sending me koya-dofu! I also cooked chickens with soy sauce and vinegar, made maki rolls, and kinako-mochi (rice caked coated with powdered soy beans) for dessert.

I was thinking if there are leftovers, they would be lunch and dinner for tomorrow. But I was wrong. Gladly and surprisingly, almost all are gone! Sushi and kinako-mochi are completely gone. It's amazing that they loved hijiki and koya-dofu. They are really, household Japanese food loving, interesting people.

... and I forgot to take photos again :(