Sunday, February 13, 2011

God Focker

This is a nice laugh for Sunday night after grading a bunch of "Are you seriously a college student?!" papers. Ben Stiller looks old while Owen Wilson remains the same since, I don't remember when I saw his movie last time, long time ago. This movie (actually a series) is amazing to have those expensive folks, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Robert de Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Barbara Streisand Henry, Harvey Keitel, etc. Oh, Laura Dern is in it! I only remember her in Wild at Heart, which was back in the 1980s-ish. Her face is so impressive, I don't know why, but that's why I recognize her in this movie. She is still acting!

The story is predictable, which is in-law issues, but you can laugh anyway, which I needed. Henry, a little Focker, is adorable, which makes me feel human. I don't feel like I'm a human while grading, grrrrrr.