Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I lost my phone! I remember I kept it in a back pocket of my jeans when I was in class this evening. And I touched the pocket a couple of times to make sure that it was there during class. Call me a nervous person or whatever, but I've sensed something strange about my phone today. That's why I brought my phone to class, though I usually leave it in my office. And a consequence is this. What's the hell!

After class, I went back to the office to email someone. And I realized that I lost my phone when I left the office. I went back to the classroom and frantically looked for the phone, but I couldn't find it. I visited another office, expecting someone from the class stayed there. Yes, someone was there. No, she didn't see my phone. As next move, I picked up a sheet of paper, wrote a quick note to the instructor, again expecting she might have found and kept it (because I was sitting next to her) and slipped it under her office door. As next move, I emailed everyone in class to ask if they saw my phone.

I'm now waiting for someone replying my email ... Come on, someone! Answer me! Say that you got my phone! Please ...