Sunday, April 11, 2010

Don't Masturbate in Train!

I was nervous on BART to the Oakland airport because I was kind of late. If I had caught a train before mine, I was safe. But I missed it by seconds. Sundays have fewer train services. So, I had to wait for 20 minutes for the next train to come. When it was 10:30 when I finally got on the train. And, the train stopped at the second station from the nearest station to the airport. Mind you, you have to take the bus from that nearest BART station.

The doors did not open though the train stopped. The anounce repeatedly apologized the delay. Finally, the door opened, the only door next to me and the other doors were still closed. Then, a police officer came in by asking, "We've got a report that someone is touching himself. Have you seen someone masturbating?" Come on! Don't masturbate in train! I'm in a hurry, pervert!

We stayed at that station for, say, 20 minutes, waiting the police looking around the pervert. And, I assume they didn't find him, or the report might be bogus.

When I got on the Air BART (the bus to the airport), it was 11:15 by which I was supposed to check in. Finally, I arrived in the airport around 11:30. I rushed to the check-in counter of Alaska Airlines. Thank Budha, there's no line at the Alaska check-in counter. Then, a guy at the counter easily told me, "Oh, you have plenty of time either you're going to Seattle or Portland." "What?! I thought I'm getting late." "No, you are fine. It's 11:40. You have 30 minutes." OK, you don't necessarily have to check in one hour before your flight. That's what I learned today.