I saw a house share ad on craigslist yesterday. The location is really close here, so I thought it'd be convenient to move. Anyway, I went to take a look at the room. The exterior of the house ... wow, hippie. The color of the walls ... wow, hippie.
The owner of the house turned out to be a middle school teacher, looking quiet, laid-back, a little bit emotionless and hippie. The house is quite small with three bedrooms and one bathroom. One bathroom is a bummer but should be manageable.
I don't know why, but I felt good about this house. So, I took one of the bedrooms, colored light blue and blue. I asked the owner who is remodeling the house if he is going to repaint the room. He said no. But he said, if I want, I can paint it on my own. Actually, the room was painted blue by the previous renter. Wow, hippie. Am I going to paint the room? I'm not sure if it's worth of my labor because I may live in the room for only 6 months.