Thursday, January 12, 2012


S had a DVD night, and we saw Contagion over a lot of wine and appetizers. Mm, I think I had too much wine because I didn't follow the movie well. Or, I was simply confused with the other movie ... what is it? There was a similar movie about the outbreak of some kind of virus in Washington D.C. several years ago. I believe the original story was written by Michael Crichton. Oh well, I'm more confused now.

Anyhow, this movie must have been expensive to make. Look at these actors. Kate Winslet is awesome (she is a great actor. Her only stigma is Titanic), but she dies soon in the movie. Sucks. Jude Law hides his bald spot in the head by wearing a hat almost all the time, which makes him look more handsome. Matt Damon never dies because he is the main character. Toward the end of the movie, we were enjoying the movie by making fun of it, rather than devoting ourselves to the plot.