Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Translation Exam

I was introduced to a job opening in a Japanese corporation by a head-hunting agency at the end of last year. It's a translation/interpretation position in a manufacturer. Because it was the very end of last year, the agency set up the first exam date today. I was told that the exam would consist of two long statements and 10 short sentences, both from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English. The exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Why this odd length?!

Anyway, for insurance, I asked M for help. I asked her to proofread my English translation. She kindly came over and checked my English. She didn't change my English a lot, but she gave me very good definitions of English words, which was really helpful.

I manged to finish the exam in time. The company is supposed to let me know about the result in a couple of days.