Monday, November 26, 2007


Because suspected hemorrhoids (well, irregular bleeding, actually), earlier period, and this and that, I went to see a doctor this morning. I was thinking of seeing a practicing doctor in town during the weekend because I had irregular bleeding again and it lasted two days this time. I was worrying that it's getting worse. If so, seeing a "real" doctor must be better, I thought.

But my bleeding had stopped, and I decided to go to the health center of the university instead because it might be cheaper and easier to make an appointment. And luckily, there was a cancellation, and the doctor saw me right away.

Oh, I don't like gynecologic visits at all. Each time, regardless of countries, I have to answer very personal questions (well, related to sex life, of course) and sit on the table with legs wide open (embarrassing ...).

To get to the conclusion, there was nothing to worry about. The doctor checked everything from a pregnancy test to microscope exam, palpation, sampling and whatever, and concluded that I'm not pregnant, and my thing seems normal, clean and healthy. Though we have to wait for the results of a couple of lab tests, the doctor told me there would be no problem.

Then, why did I have irregular bleeding? It's because of my age and stress, according to the doctor. When you get older, your body tries to reproduce as much as possible, and it causes bleeding in addition to regular period, she said. Gee, I feel much older now. Also, stress from graduate school is a big issue. Yeah, I know, graduate school is crazy here.