Today was an interesting day.
Last night, I was desperate, looking for someone to talk and somewhere to go, but no one was available. Today, at the regular lunch meeting, I saw SB. I called him last night, but I was transferred to his voice mail. He explained that he couldn't pick up the phone because he was in the board meeting, and it was too late to call me back. OK, I accept whatever excuse.
Then, when I came home from the meeting, I got a call from D. I also called him last night, but again I was transferred to his voice mail. He told me he didn't realize my call because his phone was on vibration mode while in the library. When he found my voice mail, it was too late to call back. So, he called me back today. How nice of him! Furthermore, he patiently listened to my complaints. He is a sweet person, I know that.
Interestingly enough, I ran into SA who I also called yesterday on campus. I haven't seen him for long, maybe more than a year, but this happened right after the miserable night. It's an interesting quirk of fate. Anyway, I feel good to talk with him. I feel really good to talk with all of them.