Monday, August 10, 2009

Familiar Faces

I arrived at the SFO before 10:00 pm. I called SC who is already in San Francisco. She told me to come over to Hilton where she is staying with her friends (, drinking that time). So, I got on BART to get to downtown, which seemed to take forever. Finally when I got to Hilton, it was 11:00 pm. Geez.

SC was at the lobby, as I expected, drinking. She was with her friends from her department. I was delighted to see them (I knew two of them). It's kind of nice to see familiar faces in different locations. Though I am in an unfamiliar town, I can feel that I'm not alone. Kind of? We chatted for a little while about ridiculous stuff, and I left there around 11:30 pm because my conference session will be 8:30-9:30 tomorrow morning.

San Francisco is a tourist town so that I found it is quite safe to walk alone at night (it would depend on the street, though). My hotel is few blocks away from Hilton. I walked there, but I didn't feel scared at all. Nice.