Yesterday, Christmas Day, the poor DS family was all sick. Therefore, Christmas Dinner was cancelled.
I'm impressed to hear that they are fine today. Wow, Americans have great physical strength (healing power?). Anyhow, they rescheduled Christmas Dinner this evening and kindly had me. I have kept eating and drinking without doing exercise for the last four, five days. My stomach is a little upset ...
After dinner, they gave me Christmas gifts ... Ow, I didn't buy anything for them! I felt blessed and at the same time embarrassed. Buying gifts for them is really hard because they have everything, literally everything, more than I will own in my life. For instance, I brought ice cream from Sweet Life for dinner tonight. And I realized that they were making ice cream with a brand-new ice cream maker, ouch. They, especially the daughter, like Sweet Life, so my choice of ice cream turned out OK, but still ... I think I don't like coincidence.
They have a variety of card games (video games, too). We tried the one that they just got, called "Pit." It's totally about capitalism. The goal of the game is to dominate the market, buying up a target commodity. When you finish (buy up a target commodity), you call, "Corner!" I didn't understand the meaning of "corner." RN explained me that "corner" comes from the phrase "corner the market." Street corners are always good to do business because of high exposure. The phrase "corner the market" comes from that. I see, I learned a new phrase.
It's very American, that's what I thought while playing. Through playing this kind of games (there are a bunch of other capitalism games, such as Monopoly), kids learn market mechanisms? Kids accept that the winner gets all? Kids justify the free-market economy? Very interesting.