Thursday, February 14, 2008

Weird Tradition

Well, I know this hippie town is kind of weird, but I found out that it is really weird tonight. I was at the library as usual (Don't laught, it is my life here.). Suddenly, noise came from somewhere outside. People in the library were also curious about the noise, and they came to flock to the window to see outside. I asked someone what was going on. He explained that it's kind of tradition in the hippie town: the zombie parade on St. Velentine's Day. What?! Zombies on St. Valentine's Day?! What kind of relationship between the two?!

Anyhow, I joined them to flock to the window to look down the street to see what is going on. And I saw tons of people (not in zombie costumes but in plain clothes, though) walking down the street with their arms on the air, shouting and roaring mumbo jumbo. It's really weird and funny, but it was a nice pastime to distract me from books, grading, or whatever.