Sunday, October 14, 2007


Here comes a headache again. Since yesterday afternoon, I've been suffering from headaches. Once I take medicines, headaches are supposed to be relieved. But today, it is not the case. I took medicines, but they didn't erase the pain. What's wrong with me? Yeah, I know. It's because of an essay for Prosem. I didn't construct the structure of the essay, and that stressed me out.

So, after I failed to find out what to do, I asked for brainstorming to DM. Then he told me something that I hadn't expected. He said that I shouldn't wait until stress got over me to ask for help. I was stressed out because I couldn't figure out what the essay should be like, but I think students have to figure it out by themselves or at least try to do so at first. And I did. Am I wrong? Oh, well, I might be too Japanese to think this way.

But brainstorming with DM helped me a lot, and my essay is almost done now though it's not completed yet.

I wonder how many more times I will go through this stressful moment. Sigh ...