Saturday, October 6, 2007


As I said here (and everywhere) before, I don't like meeting people who I don't know. I'm a really really shy person. But tonight's party was kind of obligation for students in the first year because students before us were throwing a party for us. And it'd not be a big deal because I know some of them already and I know my cohort, of course. But still, I hesitated like, "Well, it's cold outside ... a little later would be fine ... oh, I will write emails before I go ..." and something like that. Actually, it was cold.

At the moment I decided to leave, I got a call from DG, and he offered me a ride. Thank Buddha! Thank DG! So, he and his friends kindly came to pick me up, and I finally got to the party.

Party ... I don't like the word. I prefer nomikai, which is more familiar to me.

Anyway, I was there, at the "party" ... and I found sake there! Oh, man, I was glad to be there. Sake! The sake is not perfect to my taste, but still good, better than American beer or cheap wine.

Beside sake, it was good to share something with other students in a relaxing manner. And I wonder, "Why they are so relaxed?!," while I'm kind of tensed, not that seriously though. I hope I would be like them next year.