Saturday, September 29, 2007


I have something to do, I have something to do, I have something to do ... well, let's bake bread!

This is a typical pattern of behavior of mine when I have something to do. I want to escape from something to do. And I regret later, like, "I should've done this earlier!"

Anyhow, I baked bread with a bowl and instant dry yeast which DF sent me a few days ago. I had bought flour whose package says "better for bread" beforehand. I have butter, salt and honey. All set.

I mixed everything as I had done in Japan ... and the dough became hard. It kept being hard while growing and being baked ... and baked bread came out hard.

I felt something different, kneading the dough, and it must be flour. The type of flour is different from that I used in Japan. I need to add more water next time.

To my credit of a long-time home-baker, the bread still tastes good, even though it's a little harder than usual.